Name Will Pre-Application Form Please complete the following General details Preferred language: Language English Afrikaans Testament option: Testament Single Joint Estate Preservation Plan Do you require additional information regarding the Estate Preservation Plan? Estate Preservation Plan Yes No Personal details: Title * Full names * Surname * ID number * Physical address * City * Region * Code * Postal address * City * Region * Code * Cell number * Home Email * Work Spouse or partner (if applicable) Title Full names Surname ID number Physical address City Region Code Postal address City Region Code Cell number Home Email Work Personal status Kindly indicate: Status Single Partner Married out of community of property without accrual Married in community of property Status2 Divorced Widowed Married out of community of property with accrual Date of marriage If applicable, do you have any obligations in terms of divorce orders, such as maintenance? Yes No divorce-order Your children's details Number of Children? 12345 Title Full names Surname ID number Guardianship (Should any of the children above be minors) Number of Guardians? 1234 Title Surname Full names ID number Cell number Relationship Email Trust Do you require a trust to protect the children's inheritance: Yes No Number of Trustees? 1234 Who do you want to appoint as trustees: Title Surname Full names ID number Cell number Relationship Email Family obliteration In the event of a family obliteration we bequeath our movable and immovable assets as follows: Number of People? 1234 Title Surname Full names ID number Cell number Relationship Email General I hereby nominate the following person as Executor of my estate. Special wishes